Diyalo Technologies Pvt Ltd Apps

Sim Activator 1.0.7
It is an application designed to activate theSIM cards by POS, dealers and Distributors of Telecom Operators.This application simplifies task of SIM activation process bysending sim activation parameters to the concerned authority forsim activation purpose via SMS.
Movie Hunt 1.0
There's a lot more to a movie than whatjustruns on the screen, and this app is just for that.Get all the information about any movie, TV series orcelebrityincluding international ratings like IMDB, TMDB.Search for your favorite movie, TV series and celebs and knowallabout them.Get the latest, running, popular and upcoming movies andTVseries.Know all about your favorite celebrities including theirbiographyand their work history.
Travel Nepal Operator 1.5
This app will allow the operators/officialsassociated with Travel Nepal Bus pvt. ltd., to complete followingtasks:#check available trips#book seats#free booked seats#view Chalani (seat report)Operators are required to register their mobile numbers as employeein the Travel Nepal Bus employee database in order to log in to theapp and do their designated tasks.Once registered as an employee/operator in the system, you can usethe app. On first log in, you'll be asked of your registered numberand on verification you'll receive a verification code. Using thecode you can then log in to the app.Thank you.
Travel Nepal Bus 2.0.7
Travel with Excitement and luxury, exclusively with Travel NepalBus pvt. ltd.
KolhuwaMark 1.0.3
This app is created for koluwa khanepani, where the readers can goto different zones and wards to collect the water consumption billof the customers.
नेपाल यातायात व्यवसायी राष्ट्रिय महासंघ 1.3
देश विकासको क्रममा २०१३ सालमा त्रिभुवन राजपथ र २०२९ सालमापृथ्वीराजमार्गको स्थापना सँगै राजधानी काठमाडौं, तराई र पर्यटकियनगरीपोखरा सँग जोडीयो । सुरुवाती अवस्थाको अव्यवस्थित र सीमितसार्वजनिकसवारी साधनहरुको सञ्चालन प्रकृयालाई व्यवस्थित र नियमितगराउनेअभिप्रायबाट यात्रुहरुलाई अधिकतम सुविधा र सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्नरव्यवसायीहरुको वर्गीय हित गर्ने उद्देश्य अनुरुप २०१८सालमापुर्वाञ्चल मोटर सिण्डीकेटको स्थापना भयो । यसै गरी अन्यक्षेत्रहरुमापनि क्रमिक रुपमा स्थापना भएका यातायात व्यवसायी संस्था,अरनिकोयातायात सेवा समिती, पश्चिम नेपाल बस व्यवसायी संघ, लगायतअन्यस्थापित संस्थाहरु बाट यातायात क्षेत्रमा देखा परेका समस्यारव्यवसायी हकहितको सम्बन्धमा २०३४÷३५ साल देखी पटक पटक काठमाडौंमाभेलाभएर समस्या राख्ने गरिन्थ्यो । यसै क्रममा सञ्चार सुविधा लगायतअन्यविविध समस्याहरुका कारण समयमा नै उपस्थित हुन र जुट्न कठिन हुनेहुँदायस क्षेत्रलाई व्यवस्थित गर्न गराउन र समय भित्रै समस्यासमाधानगर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता महसुस हुन गई २०३६ सालमा काठमाडौंमासंयुक्त बैठकबसी विचार गोष्ठी राख्ने निर्णय गरियो । २०३६ साल श्रावण२६ गतेयातायात व्यवसायी गोष्ठी आयोजना भयो र सोही भेलाबाट २०३६ सालश्रावण२८ गते नेपाल अधिराज्यमा यातायात क्षेत्रमा निजी रुपमासंलग्नव्यवसायीहरुको केन्द्रिय स्तरको संगठन नेपाल यातायात व्यवसायीसंघस्थापना भयो, जसको तदर्थ समितीमा : \n\nअध्यक्ष : स्व. जगदीशनेपाली\nउपाध्यक्ष : हर्क बहादुर गुरुङ \nसचिव : होम प्रसादअधिकारी\nकोषाध्यक्ष : सूर्यचन्द्र वादे श्रेष्ठ \nसदस्य : अन्यउपस्थितसंस्थाहरु \n\nसंस्थाको काम कार्वाहीलाई निरन्तर्ता दिँदै सोहीवर्षकाठमाडौंमा पहिलो अधिवेशन सम्पन्न भयो र हर्क बहादुर गुरुङनिर्विरोधअध्यक्ष चयन् हुनुभयो । दोस्रो अधिवेशन पनि काठमाडौं मैसम्पन्न भयो रहर्क बहादुर गुरुङ नै अध्यक्ष हुनु भयो । तेश्रो अधिवेशनहेटौंडामासम्पन्न भयो र पुनः निर्विरोध अध्यक्षमा हर्क बहादुर गुरुङनैनिर्वाचित हुनु भयो । चौथो अधिवेशन काठमाडौंमा सम्पन्न भयो रश्रीचन्द्रबहादुर कार्की ज्यू अध्यक्षमा निर्वा्चित हुनु भयो ।देशमाप्रजातन्त्रको पुनर्वहालीपछी पेशागत संघ संस्थाको पनि उदय भयो ।त्यसैअनुरुप देशमा सडक यातायातको विकासपछी यस क्षेत्रमा पनि असंख्यरुपमासवारी साधनको आयात र संघ, सिण्डीकेटहरुको स्थापना भएकोले यससंघलाई२०५० सालमा महासंघको अवधारणामा जानुपर्ने आवश्यकता भएअनुरुपनेपालयातायात व्यवसायी महासंघमा परिवर्तन भयो । सार्वजनिक यातायातसञ्चालनगरिरहेका देश भरका सबै यातायात व्यवसायीहरुलाई यसै महासंघकोछातामुनीसमाहित गर्ने प्रयास हरहमेशा भइरह्यो र निरन्तर भइरहनेछ ।
Mangadh Khanepani Aayojana 2.0.7
विराटनगर महानगरपालिका नेपालको दोस्रो ठूलो नगरपालिका हो । यस शहरमाविभिन्न मुलका मानिसहरुको मिश्रीत बसोबास रहेको छ । यसको उत्तरीक्षेत्रको साविक विराटनगर वार्ड नं. १,४,५ (हाल विराटनगर वार्ड नं.१,३,४) र टंकी सिनुवारी गा.वि.स.(हालको बुढीगंगा गाँउपालिकाको वार्डनं १,३ र साविक वैजनाथपुर गा.वि.स. (हाल विराटनगर वार्ड नं.१९)लाईसुविधा पुग्नेगरि नेपाल सरकार खानेपानी तथा ढल निकास विभाग, विराटनगरनगरपालिका र उपभोक्ता समेतको लगानीमा सम्पन्न आयोजना अन्तर्गत सुधारविस्तारको काम भैरहेको छ । जसबाट थप उपभोक्ताहरुलाई सुविधा पुग्ने छ ।मानगढ आयोजना सञ्चालित आयोजना मध्ये सफल आयोजना मानिन्छ । हाल योआयोजना पूर्ण सफलताका साथ उपभोक्ताबाट सञ्चालित छ । मानगढ खानेपानीआयोजना गुणस्तर जापान सरकार (JICA) को सहयोगमा पानी प्रशोधन केन्द्रकोनिमार्ण गरिएको थियो । वि.स. २०६२ देखि उपभोक्ताहरुमा हस्तान्तरण भैसफा र स्वछ पानी वि.स.२०६४ साल देखि लगातार रुपमा वितरण गदै आएका छौ ।यस आयोजनाले विराटनगर महानगरपालिका माथिका उत्तरी क्षेत्रका वार्ड नं.१,३,४ र हालको वार्ड नं.१९ र टकी सिनुवारी हालको बुढीगंगागाउँपालिकाको केहि भागमा वितरण गरिएको छ । यो योजनाले कुल ७७,७६८जनसंख्या मध्ये ३०,४०० उपभोक्तालाई सेवा प्रदान गरिरहेको छ । भूमिगतपानीको श्रोतमा ३ वटा बोरिङबाट उत्पादन गरि वितरण गरिएको छ । खानेपानीसुरक्षा योजना लागूगरी खानेपानी मापदण्ड अनुसार पानी वितरण गरिएको छ ।
Myagdi Korala Bus 1.4.8
Get the best of travel with Myagdi Korala
Namaste Kapilvastu 3.1.3
Make your trip fast and easier with Namaste Kapilvastu!
Watersoft Demo 0.0.3
This app has been created for water distributors of Nepal.Usingthis app, distributors can get the readings of the customers'waterconsumption details, from different wards and zones, thatthecertain distributor is designated to look after.
PNBBS - West Nepal Bus Booking 4.0.7
Buy online bus tickets from West Nepal Bus EntrepreneurAssociation.
BusSewa 3.0.9
BusSewa – Nepal’s first realtime online bus ticketing platform.
Shankarnagar Khanepani 1.2.6
We Shankarnagar Khanepani located at Tilottama-2, Yogikutiisdedicated to supply water to local.
Surkhet Khanepani 1.0.2
We Surkhet Khanepani located at Birendranagar,Surkhet isdedicatedto supply water to local.
BusSewa Operator
BusSewa Operator is solely for the Travel Operators associated withBusSewa.
ERP Demo 1.5
The most sophisticated and user friendly accounting webapplicationever build, eLekha, now adds the android Androidplatform in itsinventory. The eLekha Android app comes packed withvariousfeatures from the eLekha web app. Users can login inside theappwith their usual username-password and can access the following:#Complete clients list # Complete supplier list # Inventory #Clientledger # Supplier ledger and many more to come.
Ramnagar Khanepani 1.0.2
This app is sololey for the customers of Ramnagar KhanepaniUser.User can see their details like statement, pending dueamount,tariff details. User can directly pay through esewawithoutvisiting to khanepani counter.
Changathali Khanepani 1.0.3
Changathali Drinking Water and Sanitation user committee's appisdevelopd to faciliate customer with the facility to viewtheirdetails (reports), pay with eSewa as well as Admin can alsologinto view their daily details.
Tinthana Khanepani 1.0.2
This app is developed to faciliate the users and admins oftheorganization to view their reports, complaint and doonlinepayments.
Shivalaya Khanepani 1.0.2
This app is solely developed for customer/consumers ofShivalayaKhanepani. Customers of the khanepani can view theirreports, paybill, complain in case of any and view the news andnotices thatare provided by the Khanepani(Organization). Customerscan paytheir bill online using eSewa saving their time to visittheorganization.
Kolhuwa Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is solely developed for customer/consumers ofKohluwaKhanepani. Consumers can view their reports, pay bill,complain incase of any and view the news and notices that areprovided by theKhanepani(Organization). Consumers can pay theirbill online usingeSewa saving their time to visit the organization.
Jaluke Khanepani 1.0.2
This app is developed to faciliate users and AdministratorsofJaluke Water Supply And Sanitation Users Organisation sothatcustomers can view their reports, complaint in case of any andpayonline to save time to visit office as well as Administratorscanview the report of the organizations (Zone and ward wise).
Mulpani Sankhadevi Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is solely developed for the customers of MulpaniSankhadeviKhanepani. Here the customer of the Khanepani's can login usingtheir mobile number and customerId and view their details,complainin case of any and even pay with eSewa.
Gundu Khanepani 1.0.1
This app is developed to faciliate the users and admins oftheorganization to view their reports, complaint and doonlinepayments.
Dadhikot Khanepani 1.0.2
This app is developed to faciliate customers of DadhikotBrihatKhanepani to view their reports, complain in case of any, paytheirwater bills through eSewa.
Anandaban Shankarnagar Khanepani 1.8.2
We Anandaban Khanepani located at Tilottama-1, Rupandehiisdedicated to supply water to local.
eLekha 2.1.4
The most sophisticated and user friendly accounting webapplicationever build, eLekha, now adds the android Androidplatform in itsinventory. The eLekha Android app comes packed withvariousfeatures from the eLekha web app. Users can login inside theappwith their usual username-password and can access the following:#Complete clients list # Complete supplier list # Inventory #Clientledger # Supplier ledger #Journal Entry and many more tocome.
Nepal Railways 1.0.1
Nepal Railways App is solely developed for customer so thatthecustomers willing to travel by Train can easily get theirTicketbooked through digital Medium without visiting to TrainStation andget their Ticket Online. Customers can get their SeatsbookedOnline with the help of eSewa.
Prithivinarayan Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Balkot Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Railways Admin 1.0.2
Railways Admin App is developed with a concept to ease the workflowof the officials, especially on issuing ticket and andvalidatingticket by the officials staffs.
Jimbadanda Khanepani 1.0.1
This app is developed to faciliate the users and admins oftheorganization to view their reports, complaint and doonlinepayments.
Dibyapuri Khanepani 1.0.1
This app is developed to faciliate the users and admins oftheorganization to view their reports, complaint and doonlinepayments.
Tokha Brihat Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate the customer of theorganizationto view their reports of billing , statement of thepayment,complain in case of any. As well as the Admins of theorganizationare allowed to view the reports and inventory of theorganization.
Sandhikharka Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Jansewa Khanepani 1.0.2
Jansewa Khanepani Tatha Sarsafai Upabhokta Sanstha dedicated appisdeveloped to faciliate consumers of the Khanepani with thefeatureto view reports, complain in case of any and as well Adminto viewthe reports of the organization. As well consumers can paytheirbill through eSewa without visiting the organization.
Gajuri Khanepani 1.0.1
This app is developed to faciliate the users and admins oftheorganization to view their reports, complaint and doonlinepayments.
Beni Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Gaindakot Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Bharatpur Khanepani 1.0.0
The app is developed to facilitate users of the Organization toviewtheir details and their payment reports, pay online througheSewa,complaint in case of any. As well the committe members arealso ableto view reports of the organization.
Ishworpur Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Lalbandi Khanepani 1.0.0
This app is developed to facilitate customers of the organizationtoview their details (personal and organizational), view thereportswhich includes their payment details and history, complaintin caseof any complaints. This app also helps the committeemembers to viewthe details of the organizations which includes thecollection,advance, outstanding reports of the financial section.
Dhaulagiri Yatayat
Best in class Tours and Travel services!
Lekhnath Khanepani
For the customers of Lekhnath water supply to pay bill andgetbilling history
Duibasti piunepani 1.0.4
Duibasti Piunepani Bebasthapan Samiti
Ratnanagar Khanepani 1.0.9
Ratnanagar Khanepani Tatha Sarsafi Upabhokta Sanstha
Pragatinagar Khanepani 1.0.3
Pragatinagar Khanepani Tatha Sarsafai Upabhokta Sanstha
WaterMark Admin 1.0.2
Application to see reports from WaterMark.